RAINBOW PRINCE KEN Mattel Gorgeous Rare doll year 1999 bend legs=18$
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العمرمن 5 إلى 12 عاماً
KEN RAINBOW PRINCE Mattel Gorgeous Rare doll year 1999. He has a blonde beautiful hair, bend legs, and can turn his hands, also his waist can turn too. In his right royal outfit, and on an awesome condition. so his excellent fix price is:=18$
رقم الإعلان 115168770
الإبلاغ عن هذا الإعلان
الإعلانات ذات الصلة
20 د. أ
HI GLAMM Girls: JULIA HASBRO /MGA RARE Great doll bend long legs=20$
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Medium Stuffed BUNNY/RABBIT 60 CM soft Plush/2$ Delivery
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Barbie HOLIDAY Mattel dressed great doll 2016 DE MUSE body=17$