Facing tight deadlines with your exams & Projects!?
Call Now! Get prepared & submit ur project & presentation on time!
Ace your academic future & Get interactive & personalized tutoring in the following programs:
* Linear Algebra
* Calculus 1 2 3 4
* Statistics and Probability
* Numerical Analysis.
C++ Programming up to Advanced (project based training)
* Software Engineering (Project-based Training)
We develop all business
* Software Applications Development.
* Web Applications Development.
* Mobile Applications Development.
* Database Applications Development.
* Desktop & Console Applications Development.
C Systems programming under Linux or Windows.
Full JAVA exam prep. covering:
Parallel programming Reflections/Functional Interfaces/Software
Engineering practice and UML.
*Graph Theory using JAVA (dijktras,graph traversal, bellmanford, kruskal, prime's algorithms, all pairs, MST, Euler tours, hamiltonian cycles. . . etc).
PYTHON Programming (Fund. up to Advanced)
Project-based training:
PYTHON with AI: Handling Datasets training (Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Neural Networks covering all concepts and algorithms. )
PYTHON with Data Science, Big Data, Charts, MySQL, Arrays, List, Hashtables, Data Structure, etc.
Operating Systems concepts (processes, threads ,memory management, files, tree structure of os, security, virtual memory, distributed os, registers and cpu management.
Database Management Systems, Concepts writing, proper database handling, queries, errors, Transaction management, replication and recovery.
Digital Systems concepts bases & FF, Combinational circuits, registers, memory . .
Networking concepts, switching, packet switching, ipv4, ipv6, Security, NAT, firewalling, routers, DNS, routing algorithms, autonomous systems, etc.
We provide the following services:
* Academic Exam Preparation.
* Executing Academic & Business Studies, Researches & Presentations.
* Executing Analytical Studies.
* Project Development.
Guaranteed success at exams & career needs!
Call for an innovative Free session!