For Sale: Commercial Kitchen & Restaurant Equipment
Gas Appliances
Industrial Stainless Steel Gas 6-Burner Stove with Large Oven x1
Stainless Steel Gas 5-Burner Stove with Large Oven x1
Big Gas Bottles x2
Refrigeration Units
4. Industrial Stainless Steel Refrigerator with 2 Stainless Steel Doors x1
5. Industrial Stainless Steel Refrigerator with 2 Clear Glass Doors x1
6. Tabletop Refrigerator x1
7. Vertical Clear-Glass Single-Door Refrigerator x1
8. Branded Vertical Refrigerators (180cm, 205cm, 88cm) x6
9. Vegetable Refrigerator x1
10. Freezers x2
Tables & Shelving
11. Stainless Steel Tables (150cm with 2 Under-Shelves) x2
12. Stainless Steel Tables (180cm with 1 Under-Shelf) x3
13. Short Stainless Steel Table x1
14. Wall-Mounted Stock Units with Shelves x16
Sinks & Accessories
15. Large Stainless Steel Sink with 2 Pots and Under-Shelf x1
16. Medium Stainless Steel Sink with 2 Pots and Under-Shelf x1
17. Large Stainless Steel Douchette (Faucet) x1
18. Medium Stainless Steel Douchette (Faucet) x1
Miscellaneous Equipment
19. Stainless Steel Trolley with 4 Trays x1
20. Magnetic Hangers x4
21. Stainless Steel Hangers x2