Private / super classy district in Ballouneh on the borders of Ajaltoun |
Wide / green / accessible neighborhood at a walking distance from Antonine school |
Panoramic / unblock-able view over the mountains |
Full stone cladding building with modern imposing design |
Gardens and Duplexes availability |
Ample dimensions and partitions with best natural light |
3 or 4 bedrooms | 3 or 4 bathrooms | 1 or 2 salons | dining | kitchen | big reception balcony / sitting corner | entrance | maid corner | rooms balconies |
Super Luxurious specs |
Heating system / A. C / Chimney provisions | European tiles/sanitary/fixtures | Double glazing / walls | Oak doors | Electric shutters | 2 parking | Storage room |
Starting price: 180000$
Ready to move in
Yas Real Estate
Bull's-eye consultancy
Sohaileh | Soheileh | Soheile | Sohaile | Jitta | Jeita | Ballouneh | Sheileh | Sheile | Shayleh | Shayle | Shaileh | Shaile | Sehayleh | Sehaileh | Sehaile | Seheile | Sohayleh | Sohayle | Sehayle |