SUPER classy / wide / green district in Ajaltoun |
Well-proportioned / FLAT land close to all main roads and facilities |
Unblock-able / panoramic view over the mountains |
40/120 building ratio (4 stories building / 8 apartments / 2 villas)
Price: 250000$
Yas Real Estate
Bull's-eye consultancy
Sheileh | Sheile | Shayleh | Shayle | Shaileh | Shaile | Sehayleh | Sehaileh | Sehaile | Seheile | Sohayleh | Sohayle | Sohaileh | Soheileh | Soheile | Sohaile | Ballouneh | Ajaltoun | Jeita | Jitta | Rayfoun | Raifoun | Reyfoun | Reifoun |