The 476 dvd and cd contain :
Cartoon for kids
DVDs films ajnabeh
old Films VCD ajnabeh
5 games PS2
Dvds aflem Lebneneh
DVDs aflem masreh
VCD aflem masreh
War Of Lebanon (wase2ekeh 7areb lebnen)
Audio Cds Best of 60's (ma7toutin b box 7adid makhtoume)
audio Cds best of the Musicals (ma7toutin b box sawda makhtoumeh)
Audio Cds for relaxation-lounge-break time
2 Audio cd Broadway music
masra7iyet 2dem la Adel Imam W Dored La77am w 3iyal kebret (kell masri7yeh chi 3-4 vcd)
Mousalsal 7amem l hana 10 vcd
Mousalsal Sa7 l nom (11 Vcd)
68 cd (audio w album w clips w mp3 w mix)
5 CDs pc games
Western series (like : Orange is the new Black - Breaking Bad, etc)
6 DVD la chef Antoine (tabekh - cooking)
91 $ aw Lebneneh 3a se3er l sou2 l sawda