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USD 30

Wooden Multifunctional Big Roller Beads

Hlaliyeh, Saida
2 weeks ago
DeliverySelf Delivery
Age Range2 to 5 years
The set contains: - educational cube - intertwining game - 4 shapes: triangle, square, circle, cross - 2 dice - 16 figures for the game man don't be angry Properties: - The educational cube has six functional walls , a man don't be angry game and an intertwined game - Each of the walls has a different function so that your child has fun and learns as much as possible - the intertwining game at the top allows you to move wooden animals and beads - allows children to train touch and touch - The first wall has nine wooden elements with pictures of animals. The child learns to recognize animals. - The second wall has four colored plastic gears that your child can rotate and practice feeling and touch - the third wall has four holes corresponding to the shape of the elements attached to the assembly - the child's task is to properly match the shape and color. - the fourth wall has five levels with a counter. Each level contains five plastic elements. Over - There 's a clock on the fifth wall . Sliding hands will help your child learn the basics of learning about lessons. The clock has minutes written on it to help you become familiar with the minute hand. - there are pictures on the sixth wall and the sliding elements must be adapted to the pictures. This toy trains your child's logical thinking. Dimensions: - package dimensions: 32 x 28.5 x 21 cm - total height with interlacing game: 38 cm - height to the base of the cube (without interlacing play): 20 cm - base diameter - width: 31 cm Designed for children from 3+
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Ad id 114845146
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