cozy studio in dbayeh close to the sea with a a nice view over the mountains.
Located 1 minute away from the highway right in front of hotel Le Royal main entrance where the neighberhood is safe and the neighbors are calm.
This 1 bedroom appartment consists of a large living room and an equally big bedroom.
It's furnished and equipped with a private kitchinette and a private bathroom.
Elevator is connected to EDL and generator. Electricity is provided from an external generator almost all the time (about 22hours a day).
you'll always find a place to park around the building or in the neighberhood.
Additional fees: EDL, generator, gas, Internet, extra water in summer.
included: dish, elevator
Add 1 month deposit to be returned upon delivery of the appartment in it's original form.
شقة جميلة مؤلفة من غرفة جلوس، مطبخ صغير و حمام خاص. قريبة من البحر في منطقة هادءة.