Raybar Tubular Deep Cycle Eastman 200AH Battery بطارية ريبار هندية
Tyre Town, Tyre
41 minutes ago
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Raybar Tubular Deep Cycle Eastman 220ah Battery Diamond Series 69KG
Available sizes 200ah 220ah 240ah
بطارية ريبار هندية 200 امبير فئة الماسية
الوكيل الحصري في لبنان
Product Features :
1. Robust Tubular with High Pressure diecasted spine- resulting low rate of spine corrosion.
2. Spill Proof Vent plug – resulting in no spillage on top and low controlled acid fumes.
3. Optimized Negative paste receipt for fast charge acceptance
4. Consistent backup throughout life
5. Excellent behavior in PSOC condition as compare
6. Low Self Discharge
7. Excellent performance on deep cyclic application as compare to AGM VRLA
8. Very High Design & Service Life
9. Low water loss
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