Duration: 12hrs+
Price: 10$ per hr
Mode of class: Flexible as per the student, and at student home.
This course provides the core knowledge to begin programming in any language. we will use Java to explore the core syntax of a programming language, and shows how to write and execute your first application and understand what s going on under the hood. The course covers creating small programs to explore conditions, loops, variables, and expressions; working with different kinds of data and seeing how they affect memory; writing modular code; and how to debug, all using different approaches to constructing software applications. Finally, the course compares how code is written in several different languages, the libraries and frameworks that have grown around them, and the reasons to choose each one.
Course outline:
- Programming Basics & what is actually programming
- Types of Programming Languages
- Core programming syntax
- Variables & data types and how acutally being represneted in the computer
- Writing conditional Code
- Writing modular code
- Iterations andd loops
- Strings
- Collections
- Input & output
- Introduction to Object Orientation
- When things go wrong ; what happened and what to expect
- Memory management and how it works for your program
- the importance of Algorithms and data structures
- Introduction to some of popular languages