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USD 27

Multi-Functional Arcade Basketball Sports Set For Children

Hlaliyeh, Saida
3 weeks ago
DeliverySelf Delivery
Age Range2 to 5 years
Turn any space into a playing room, this 7-in-1 Multi-Sport Toss Game Set is integrated into a compact and multi-faceted tower with basketball, baseball, sandbags, sticky balls, and rugby sports, allowing you to enjoy endless hours of entertainment with children, friends, and family! This multi-sport game set is very portable and lightweight, allowing you to easily move between different rooms, indoors and outdoors. It is perfect for playing in bedrooms, living rooms, lawns, courtyards, and other places. Our kid's dinosaur pattern basketball game set not only develop children's creativity and curiosity but also develops motor skills by improving hand-eye coordination. The basketball and football sports set toy are designed with plastic pipe connection and weighs in at 5 lbs. for easy transportability and convenient storage. This multi-sport basketball game set can be freely moved indoors and outdoors, which can bring a lot of fun to your children. Our 7-in-1 multi-sport game set comes with a baseball, a rugby, a basketball, a soccer ball, sandbag, sticky balls, and Eva bullets - everything you need to start playing! The 7 in 1 sports center for kids is perfect to play with their siblings, friends and neighbors. Children will improve their ability to throw, run, and jump while learning outstanding hand-eye coordination, developing motor skills, and physical abilities that sports provide to boys and girls while they are young. In the comfort of your own home, children age 3 and up can enjoy playing basketball, football, rugby, and baseball, as well as playing beanbag toss games, sticky balls toss games, and shooting toy games. Boys and girls can play at the 7-in-1 sports center, or move it outside to start a basketball/football game. Seven in one Toss Game set is not only a great gift for your little athlete, but it also attracts the kids from the neighborhood. The Multi Sports game set is so simple to put together and it's very light and easy to move. This is a fantastic birthday gift for any child who enjoys sports or loves to be active. * Specification: Gender: Boys Dimensions: 151 x 46 x 46 cm Age: 3+
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