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USD 2.5

Little Girls Nail Stickers Set

Hlaliyeh, Saida
4 weeks ago
Age Range2 to 5 years
Makeup stickers are a delightful and educational addition to any little girl's world of imaginative play! - This unique set of stickers is designed to provide a safe and creative introduction to the world of cosmetics, making it an ideal birthday gift for young makeup enthusiasts. - Each sticker in the set is crafted to resemble different makeup items, such as lipsticks, eyeshadows, blush, and nail polish. - The educational aspect comes into play as children can engage in imaginative play, learning about various cosmetic products in a fun and interactive way. - This not only sparks creativity but also allows for early exposure to basic makeup concepts in a playful context. - The stickers are easy to apply and remove, allowing for endless opportunities for creative expression. - Little girls can experiment with different combinations of stickers to create their own makeup looks, fostering a sense of exploration and personal style. - The mess-free nature of the stickers makes them a parent-friendly option for introducing kids to the world of cosmetics. - As a birthday gift, makeup stickers add an element of excitement and creativity to the celebration. - The vibrant colors and playful designs are sure to captivate the birthday child's imagination and provide hours of entertainment. - In summary, makeup stickers serve as both educational tools and entertaining toys for little girls interested in cosmetics. - These stickers offer a safe and enjoyable way for children to explore the world of makeup, making them an excellent choice for birthday gifts that inspire creativity and imaginative play. * Specification: - Gender: Girls - Material: Plastic - Dimensions: 18.5 x 12 x 2 cm - Colors: Pink / Purple Age: 3+
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