Nestled in the picturesque town of Halat, Lebanon, this 1185 square meter plot of land sits gracefully along the roadside, boasting a rare 0% declination. Its flat terrain offers endless possibilities for development, whether for residential or commercial purposes. With easy access from the road, this parcel is a prime opportunity for those seeking to create their dream property in this charming coastal setting.
- area : 1185 SQM
- zoning : 35/75
- 0 % declination
Price : 176,000 $ + 2.5 % commission
قطعة أرض جميلة تمتد على مساحة 1185 متر مربع في حلات، لبنان، مطلة على الطريق مع انحدار 0%.
- المساحة : ١١٨٥ م
- الأستثمار: ٣٥/٧٥
- ٠٪ أنحدار
السعر: 176,000 $ + ٢. ٥ ٪ عمولة