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Data Structures and Algorithms Crash Course - Beginner ( Part 1)

Hadath, Baabda
5 hours ago
Service TypeEducation & Tutoring
Duration: 12 hrs Price: 250 Location: Flexible as per the student. This is a data structures and algorithms (DSA) course with a strong focus on passing coding interviews for software engineering jobs. Most DSA courses - including those offered in universities, tend to concentrate on theoretical concepts that don't matter in an interview. Most of the time, these courses present zero or few examples of problems you would see in an interview. This course takes a very pragmatic approach to teaching DSA. The course is primarily taught through examples - it includes hundreds of carefully curated problems that show up in actual interviews. These examples are delivered through a balanced mix of walkthroughs and exercises. You will learn by doing. Everything you need to pass coding interviews is here in one place. We will not dwell on theoretical details or waste time on concepts that won't help you pass an interview. The goal of this course is to get you a job, not pass an exam. Regardless of your initial skill level, you should be comfortable with preparing for and passing coding interviews at tech companies after taking this course. What does this course contain? The course is split up into 5 chapters. - Arrays and strings - Hashmaps and sets - Linked lists - Stacks and queues - Trees and graphs These are the most important and most common data structures and algorithms for coding interviews for entry level.
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