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USD 355

Behringer Studio XL Control Center

Downtown, Beirut
2 weeks ago
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TypeDJ Equipment
High-End Studio Control and Communication Center with Midas Preamps, 192 kHz 2×4 USB Audio Interface and VCA Stereo Tracking Get it from AudioTech, and receive Reward Points, gift downloads, free music and sample libraries Behringer Studio XL is more than just a monitor controller. Consider it your ultimate studio command center. This high-quality controller is ideal for not just precise volume control but also source selection, monitor switching, and simple studio communication. The Studio XL is ideal for providing crystal-clear voices in computer-based studios since it has two +48V phantom powered Midas microphone preamps and a low-hum, 192kHz 2×4 USB interface. The Studio XL allows you to switch between three studio monitors, each with its own level adjustment, so you can evaluate the quality of your recordings from different places and with different lenses. The Studio XL is furnished with two Midas microphone preamps from Behringer. These two Midas +48V preamplifiers are cutting-edge workhorses with phantom power, ultra-low noise, high gain, and audiophile quality. Studio XL is an excellent solution, providing adaptability whether you’re working with a home studio, a professional studio, or a minor component of a bigger setup. The high quality extends to the built-in USB interface, which has a 192kHz sampling rate and 24-bit resolution for breathtaking clarity. Furthermore, this low-latency interface operates hum-free and produces up to 8dB less noise than competitive devices. The gigantic volume knob is really VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier) driven, with a separate high-precision amplifier circuit to regulate your volume. The end result is superior stereo and phase coherency, precise level control, and accurate sound that will not degrade with time. You may even use the dimmer knob to temporarily change the volume output of your displays without having to adjust your precise setting on the huge dial. CONNECTIONS MADE EASY The Behringer Studio XL is extremely versatile, with several input connection choices. On the front, there’s a 1/8-inch stereo input for connecting cellphones and audio devices, as well as two headphone ports for listening to records with a friend. The rear of this Behringer functions as a “Grand Central Station,” with three pairs of input ports and an extra Aux Mix stereo input. This system has two line/XLR inputs that may be utilized in any combination, as well as dual-mono and stereo-link mode operation. The 2-track and Stereo Phones Amp outputs are located farther down the row, and are ideal for attaching a two-track digital recorder, an auxiliary soundcard, or a headphones distribution amplifier. Features - 2 Midas +48V phantom-powered microphone preamps offer low noise, high gain, and audiophile quality - 192kHz 2×4-inch USB audio interface, perfect for computer-based studios - True VCA control for extremely precise level control and stereo tracking - 6 inputs with level controls plus additional aux mix input and USB monitoring from your DAW - 3 independent and adjustable monitor outputs to connect up to 3 sets of studio monitors - Versatile talkback options with built-in mic and external microphone input with footswitch and level control - Convenient mono, mute, and dim functions right at your fingertips - 2 powerful headphone amplifiers with separate volume controls and source select switches - Zero-latency direct monitoring with controlled blending between direct inputs and cue mix sources - Quick-access aux input to connect your smartphone and music player for reference tracks - High-precision dual LED meters for perfect level overview NOTE: - This product might not be in stock at the moment - Prices are subject to change without prior notice
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