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USD 399

Behringer Solina String Ensemble Synthesizer

Downtown, Beirut
2 days ago
DeliverySelf Delivery
TypeDJ Equipment
Analog Synthesizer Module with 49-tone Polyphony, 6 Instrument Presets, 5-pin MIDI In/Thru, BBD Chorus Ensemble, Gate/Trigger Out, Chorus I/O, Phaser I/O, VCA CV In, Sub-octave Generator, Fine Tuning, Voice Priority, and Eurorack-compatible Removable Housing Get it from AudioTech and receive a Free Lesson, 4GB Music Library, 4GB Sample LIbrary, DJ Tools, 32GB USB Stick, Discount Voucher on DJ Course & More. . Behringer Solina String Ensemble’s aural array, like most synth strings from the disco-fueled fervor of 1970s Studio 54 panache, skillfully balances charmingly corny and vintage character. Behringer has faithfully and painstakingly mastered the art of emulation, and the Solina String Ensemble, like its predecessor, is an all-analog synthesizer that combines all of the features of a renowned legacy synth into a versatile module with even more possibilities than ever before. Texture characterizes the Solina’s distinct sound, from its six instrument presets to the famous, multi-stage bucket brigade device ensemble chorus and Small Stone-style phase shifter. Synth enthusiasts will like the increased I/O suite, which allows for even more precise control of the synth’s sonic capabilities. Features: - Analog architecture provides the iconic sounds of the sought-after synth strings that defined an era of disco and more - 49-tone polyphony means rich, lush ensembles and distinctive ‘70s panache - Octave divide-down structure and voice priority options provide immense flexibility in tonal scope - 6 voicing presets and 13-tone generation accurately capture the unique voicing that made its predecessor such a lauded synth - Fine-tune controls, color options, and rate adjustment mean flexible sonics and uncompromised control - BBD chorus ensemble and Small Stone-style phase shifter deliver heaps of texture and character across the mix - Extensive I/O suite ditches a keyboard for deep integration options, including Gate and Trigger outputs, modulation I/O, phaser I/O, and VCA CV input - MIDI implementation includes both In and Thru ports to accommodate use with virtually any arrangement - Removable housing transforms the Solina into a Eurorack-compatible module without sacrificing any of its sound-shaping tools or potential NOTE: - This product might not be in stock at the moment - Prices are subject to change without prior notice
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